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Joel Gilley Senior DevOps Engineer / Manager Early Stage Startups (

I have been a developer for the past 25 plus years with a focus on the operational infrastructure side which has given me a unique insight into the challenges of DevOps roles that I have been involved with. I have focused on looking outside the box for solutions and expanding my knowledge on a continual basis. I have worked with small startups and large operations, though my wish is to join a emergent team that is seeking new and innovative DevOps solutions where my experience can be a benefit as well as continually grow and be challenged.

Skill Overview

Dev Python, Ruby, Php, SH/Bash, Go, C/C++, ObjC, etc.

Ops AWS, GCloud, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, etc.

Overall Application Architecture, Network Infrastructure, Security, Code Longevity

MakeSpace late 2018 - current Senior DevOps / Engineering Manager

Originally brought in to augment and manage the primarily remote DevOps team. We had several goals to streamline the developer experience as well as improve production reliability.

We successfully containerized the legacy applications which consisted of many legacy microservices. This resulted a number of benefits to both the company and to the engineering teams as a whole. Docker was introduced as a local build environment greatly increasing parity between the local development environments, QA and production. We worked closely with the engineering teams to move the code base towards a fully automated CI/CD Pipeline.

We moved from a reactive monitoring environment to a proactive stance, allowing us to detect and resolve issues before they became impactful. We also refactored and streamlined the infrastructure to be fully represented by Infrastructure as Code.

AWS suite with a focus on ECS and other tools required by the effort. AWS, docker, go, python, terrafom, jenkins, Drone.io, grafana, et.al.


Created near production parity with local and remote development environments

Encouraged the adoption of the 12-factor methodology

Introduced reliable auto scaling based on real and trending data points

Migration of Legacy EC2/Ansible deployments to Docker/ECS

Refactored data warehouse security for access

Greatly decreased incident response times

Tibrio (Originally Samples.com) early 2018-mid 2018 Senior DevOps Engineer / Manager

I was primarily responsible for bringing DevOps technologies to the company. Integrating monitoring/logging with the legacy and new products. We built out a fully automated CI/CD Pipelines to provide a tighter deployment cycle to the dev team and QA.

I was also responsible for maintaining the high availability, daily operation of the various legacy products.

Unfortunately, it was a company decision to close out the NYC engineering office, so my tenure ended before much more could be accomplished.

AWS suite of services with a focus on EKS, as well as the general DevOps requirements of python/ruby/chef/puppet et.al. AWS, Docker, LEMP (Alpine, Nginx, MySQL, PHP), Redis, RabbitMQ, Memcache, et. al.


Introduced Deis as a deployment tool

Streamlined CD with third party tools

Encouraged the adoption of the 12-factor methodology

Migration of Opsworks/Chef to Kubernetes/DEIS

Offsite Monitoring/Management

Chegg (Imagine Easy Solutions) 2014-early 2018 Senior DevOps Engineer / Manager

I'm responsible for investigating new technologies and tools, and introducing them to the devops and development teams. Helping to maintain an agile environment and continually improving product quality and work efficiency through CI and Deployment.

I'm also responsible for maintaining the high availability, daily operation of various online properties ranging from simple page apps to very complex systems. Fully leveraging the power of AWS/Opsworks/cloudformation and pipeline tools, giving a clean straight forward environment that minimizes downtime and maximizes deployment reliability.

I also started an internal program starting new projects utilizing docker/ecs and migrating existing services to streamline development to deployment. Helping new developers and current developers to improve their current skillset with adoption of the 12-factor methodology and introducing tools/cd integration for AWS ECS.

AWS, CloudFormation, Opsworks, the various AWS pipelines with a focus on ECS, as well as the general DevOps requirements of python/ruby/chef/puppet et.al.

AWS, Docker, LAMP/LEMP (Ubuntu/Alpine, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PHP), Python, HTML5, CSS3, JS, JQuery, Memcache, et. al.


Introduced Convox as a deployment tool

Streamlined CD with third party tools

Encouraged the adoption of the 12-factor methodology

Migration of Opsworks/Chef to Convox/Docker/Cloudformation

Offsite Monitoring/Management

Metropolist 2012-2014 Technology Director, Senior Software Engineer

I was responsible for providing full stack development and devops support for this startup. Initial tasks and challenges were to refactor the original code base and infrastructure into a more scaleable and enterprise service. Other initial challenges included integrating dynamic asset delivery via CDN, Social Media integration, geolocation, creating a low impact on-demand data mining environment and migration to an API based backend.

Other responsibilities included providing agile and rapid development for project enhancements on the backend as well as front end markup and development, infrastructure management and mastering, and general maintenance.

AWS, LAMP/LEMP (Ubuntu, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PHP), Python, ObjectiveC, HTML5, CSS3, JS, JQuery, Memcache, et. al.


Created several prototype iOS apps

MySQL Clustering & Redundancy

Automated data storage/recovery

Onsite Server Monitoring/Management (puppet/cacti/nagios)

Offsite Monitoring/Management

Dashboard of site metrics

Local Image Asset SaaS

Honestly Now 2011-2012 Technology Director, Senior Software Engineer

Honestly Now was a small Manhattan startup Q&A platform helping people make better personal decisions by asking friends and pros for honest feedback. I joined the team to help migrate their code base and infrastructure to a more scaleable environment. I worked closely with the offshore development team to augment the front end javascript development. The last project I worked on was prototype development of a cross platform APP utilizing the HonestlyNow API.

AWS, LAMP/LEMP (Ubuntu, Apache, Nginx, MySQL, PHP), Python, HTML5, CSS3, JS, JQuery, ObjectiveC.


iOS Rapid Prototyping with PhoneGap

Leveraging AWS multi-role services

Created the first version of image asset SaaS

Columbia University Medical Center 2010-2011 Senior Software Engineer, Senior Systems Architect

My time at Columbia was split between two different team projects. The first team was directly responsible for aggregation, integration and mining of the vast amount of data produced in the university hospital. The second team was an internal startup that was providing educational resources to the active student and active staff body.

For the first team, I was tasked with developing internal infrastructure capable of supporting big data warehousing utilizing open source solutions. We developed reliable methodology for realtime ingest of big data in realtime as well as developing and providing realtime mining tools for the data subscribers. We also developed a methodology for correlating clinical trial data with our data warehouse. Some of the more interesting challenges were to do with bringing the data feeds and mining outputs into HIPAA compliance in a realtime fashion.

For the second team, I worked closely with the distance learning group to create both a viable and scalable backend that could store, index, and serve HD video in a pay-for-play environment as well as a variety of documents. I worked to develop a front end solution that provided in depth searching of the video close caption content as well as a variety of other data sources and publications in the form of PDF, DOC, and others. Also developed a course creation and presentation module, that allowed creation of a syllabus, course materials, and testing.

LAMP (CentOS/Fedora, Apache, MySQL, PHP), Ruby, Python, HTML5, CSS3, JS, JQuery, Visual C++.


On demand transcoding of raw video to HTML5 compatible formats

Developed an HTML5 player with Close Caption support that allowed HTML markup

Autoindexing and search to seek for the HTML5 player

Micronets · Vidavee · Vignette · OpenText 2005-2011 Senior Software Engineer, Senior Systems Architect

This was a video startup company creating a turnkey video/dvd creation product. I architected and developed lost cost/low impact video transcoding modules and created a video transcoding software as a service platform for embedding into website software such as wordpress, joomla and others.

In 2006, Micronets was rebranded to Vidavee during this time. I continued development with the video as a service platform and systems support. They were expanded to include support and development for the mainline product as well. During this time I created the Alpha version of the Vidavee Video as a service platform, this grew from a proof of concept to offered product focusing on wordpress as a CMS and the alpha as a delivery platform which was adopted by various outward facing Fox News blogs and eventually Wordpress.com itself.

2008 saw Vidavee acquired by Vignette. After internal reorganization, I was a member of the systems team providing support for the Vidavee Video Platform, now owned by Vignette. I was also involved with research and development of new and emerging video technologies, evaluating their impact and integration into our platform. Examples of this are, automating both the Darwin Streaming Server from Apple, and Microsoft's Silverlight technologies. I continued to work closely with the sales team to develop prototypes to augment sales as well as providing development into integration of the vidavee platform into the Vignette technologies.

2009 saw Vignette acquired by OpenText. I augmented the systems team providing continued management and support of the technology infrastructure for the Vidavee Video Platform, now owned by OpenText. My role in research and development was less however I still was involved with prototype development for the sales group. I continued to do development to the backend transcoding to provide the best video delivery for the continuing improvement of device technology.

LAMP (Fedora, Apache, MySQL, PHP), JAVA, Javascript, HTML4/5, CSS, Python, PHP, C, C++


Developed a unique top-down/bottom-up method of leveraging CPU from low traffic nodes for transcoding

Created a php based ondemand transcoding platform

Created FIFO simple messaging queue

Live dashboard of node health, transcode jobs and streaming

Leveraged both Darwin and Microsoft Streaming technologies to augment progressive download of video

Orolix 2004-2005 Consultant Network Infrastructure and Systems Engineer

Sao Paulo, Brazil

LAMP (Ubuntu, Apache, MySQL, PHP), Java, C/C++
Fischer Computer Systems 1996-2004 Network Architect / Software Engineer

Web Application Developer, Web Design, Systems Engineer, Network Architecture and design

LAMP Stack, C/C++, JAVA
Picostar, Inc. 1999-2001 Software / Systems Engineer Consultant

Web Application Developer, Web Design, Systems Engineer LAMP Stack, Embedded Linux (cowboy linux)

C/C++, C#, Java, LAMP, HTML, CSS, JS


Created a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Library for html with progressive jpeg streaming for PTZ Video

Created a linux distro for above project Cowboy Linux

Apple Computer, FutureTel 1995-1996 Software Engineering Consultant

Human Interface Design and Rapid Application Prototyping, Web Design

MPW C/C++, Microsoft Visual Basic


Developed a consumer level lightweight video indexing and editing toolkit for distribution with hardware product

CISCorp 1993-1995 Software Developer

Human Interface Design and Rapid Application Prototyping in support of the sales group

Master Software 1990-1993 Software Developer

Human Interface Design and Application development of Frontends for Mainframe operations



Created a "screen scrape" input/output communications library for Supercard